Hi, i am Peter A fullstack developer

I help businesses to build their ideas into reality.

My skills

Languages and runtimes

JavaScript TypeScript Node.js PHP C# Bash GraphQL


Vue.js Nuxt Astro NestJS Apollo Tailwind CSS Three.js Babylon.js

Database systems

MongoDB MySQL SQLite

Versioning and deployment tools

Git Github ations Docker

Design and development tools

Visual Studio Code Insomnia Adobe XD Unity3D

Operating systems

Ubuntu Linux Debian Linux Microsoft Windows

What i develop

CMS and headless APIs

I develop CMSes with the headless API approach in Node.js. Mostly with a MongoDB database and a GraphQL backend.

Streaming conference solutiona

I develop solutions for video conferences with Twilio and the Zoom Video SDK.

Simple games for the web

I develop games for companies, mostly based on Phaser or Babylon.js.


I develop frontends, mostly based on Vue.js (and Nuxt) with Tailwind CSS.

Web Scrapers

I develop web scrapers for data aggregations.

Custom web solutions

I develop custom solutions for the individual needs of multiple companies.

Where i worked

2017 - 2025

Bitberry GmbH

Senior Fullstack Developer and Teamlead



Fullstack Developer

2014 - 2015

MMC Agentur

Fullstack Developer

2011 - 2013


Fullstack Developer


Association for the promotion of open source in schools and universities in Vienna

Project coordination


Talk 2 Move

Fundraiser and Teamlead


Voest alpine

Apprenticeship as electrical engineer and mechanical engineer


Tyco Electronics Austria

Apprenticeship as an electrical mechanical engineering technician



Plumber and roofer

Latest public Github repositories

Have a look at my Github profile



Basic astro.js and htmx training project

View on Github


Basic CMS training project with fastify and GraphQL Modules

View on Github


Training project for astro

View on Github


Basic tower defense game with three.js

View on Github


Basic CMS built with Nest.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and Nuxt.js

View on Github


Basic web application for a trailer database

View on Github


Basic multiplayer tower defense game built with three.js

View on Github


A 3D animation for a water drop built with three.js

View on Github


Web Audio DAW

View on Github

Quick tips and tutorials

[Unity3D] Setup Vegetation Studio Pro and MapMagic 2 with URP

[Unity3D] Setup Vegetation Studio Pro and MapMagic 2 with URP

How to setup VSPro and MM2 with URP and fix the shader bug in VSPro 1.4.8 Music: Audiopanther - Victoria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFLtyalGZBY

Watch on YouTube
[Unity3D] HowTo grab items with the Direct Interactor

[Unity3D] HowTo grab items with the Direct Interactor

How to grab items with the Direct Interactor from the XR Interaction Toolkit For the basic setup, you should start from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyvVhRULXl4 Music: Tomás Novoa - Raíces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgjjRhZO2oY

Watch on YouTube
[Unity3D] HowTo grab items with the Raycast Interactor

[Unity3D] HowTo grab items with the Raycast Interactor

How to grab items with the Raycast Interactor from the XR Interaction Toolkit Music: MINTZ - La Perle Noire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUuxZmUonmg

Watch on YouTube
[Unity3D] HowTo setup an Action Based XR Rig

[Unity3D] HowTo setup an Action Based XR Rig

This is an additional video for the basic XR Setup video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyvVhRULXl4 Music: 2050 - Armed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gdLtuyD3h8

Watch on YouTube
[Unity3D] HowTo setup an Oculus (Quest [2]) with the XR Interaction Toolkit

[Unity3D] HowTo setup an Oculus (Quest [2]) with the XR Interaction Toolkit

A quick videoshot of how to create a basic setup for an Oculus device in Unity3D 2020.3.16 with the XR Interaction Toolkit Music: 2050 - Twilight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7MGFedNIKs

Watch on YouTube
How to use the Google Cardboard SDK for android devices without gyroscope [Unity3D]

How to use the Google Cardboard SDK for android devices without gyroscope [Unity3D]

Important: i decided to move to written tutorials, because, they are much more informative and little more efficient ;) You can read them here: http://tutorials.daspete.at/unity3d/procedural-td/ Let's create a project template to get the google cardboard sdk work with devices missing a gyroscope.

Watch on YouTube

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me for any questions or inquiries. I will get back to you as soon as possible.